16 September, 2010

Jovanotti Love

Alright, so I suffer from a slight adoration *cough* of the musician whose lovely song I posted last time. He's just so scruffy-sweet and perfect. And the fact that he's a politically-minded pacifist, vegetarian, charmingly bearded and super tall ... not to mention that his music is constantly evolving... well, what more could a person ask for?

One of his more recent ones is this: Come Musica

There's just something so endearingly lovely about a sweet love song and choreographed excavators, don't you think?

And this one: oh so lovely, by an Italian director, and I think part of a movie. Baciami Ancora. Kiss me again. ... this one is less than a year old.

... and this one, just for fun... from 1997. He's so cute and effervescent. But you have to watch it on You Tube: Bella.

Ha, apparently I've written about him before... probably more than once... I am developing a Jovanotti tag category. whee!

... I just wish I could find his cds over here!

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